HKBU Secondary School Principals’ Day 2024 HKBU Secondary School Principals’ Day 2024

Post-event Survey

Plenary Session
AI in Education: Technology, Creativity and Humanities

Description 內容簡介

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the application of AI in education has become a subject of great interest and importance to educators.

Mr. Fred Sheu, Dr. Louis Ng and Mr. Victor Tsang, who have exceptional contributions and accomplishments in the areas of Technology, Creativity and Humanities, will share their insights on the impact of AI in Education and the dynamic interplay among these three areas. It aims to enrich the audience’s understanding of the subject and contribute to the discussion on the trends and development in education technology.



Parallel Session
Topic 題目 :
Presentation Files for Download:

Faculty of Arts - Epistemic Virtues in the ChatGPT World
文學院 - ChatGPT世界的知識德性

School of Business - AI-Infused Creativity: Nurturing Innovative Business Leaders for Tomorrow
工商管理學院 - AI結合創造力:培育明日創新商業領袖

Faculty of Social Sciences - The Coevolution of Artificial Intelligence & Sociocultural Practices, and Future Opportunities for Students
社會科學院 - 社會文化實踐的智能「伴變」及學生的未來機遇

School of Continuing Education - Emergence of the New-Collar Workforce: Insights from AI and Creative Industries
持續教育學院 - 新領人才的冒起與AI創意產業的洞見

Centre for Innovative Service-Learning - Visit to TriAngle Social Innovation Co-working Space and Academic Service-Learning Exhibition
 創新服務學習中心 - 參觀 TriAngle 社創共享工作室暨服務學習課程回顧展

Office of Student Affairs - VR Connect: Virtual Reality based Social Skills Training Intervention
學生事務處 - VR連接:虛擬現實的社交技能訓練療程

School of Chinese Medicine - Practical applications of digital and telecommunication technologies in Chinese medicine-based telehealthcare and smart healthcare
中醫藥學院 - 數位和電信技術在中醫遠距醫療和智慧醫療的實際應用

School of Creative Arts - Exploring the Boundaries of Culture, Creativity and Technological Innovation: The Design of Astronaut’s Landing Chair
創意藝術學院 - 探索創造力與技術創新的界限:航天員護航椅設計

School of Communication - Is Generative AI a threat or an opportunity to media communication?
傳理學院 - 生成式人工智能對媒體傳播是危還是機? 

Faculty of Science - AI in “X”: its applications and impacts
理學院 - 人工智能在不同行業的應用及影響

Division of Transdisciplinary Undergraduate Programmes - Transformation of Education: Leading to Individualised Study Pathway
跨學科本科課程部 - 突破想像界限:自訂跨學科主修

University Library - The role of librarians in supporting the effective use of generative AI tools
大學圖書館 - 有效運用生成式人工智能:圖書館的支援角色

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