The University takes great pleasure to invite you to the HKBU Secondary School Principals’ Day 2025, an annual signature event for the secondary school sector and the University to share views and experiences on educational issues.
Points to note:
Cantonese 廣東話
In today's rapidly evolving world, there is a clear need for a holistic approach to education. The theme “Transdisciplinary and Trans-sectoral Body-Mind-Spirit Education” seeks to address this need for an innovative educational framework that fosters comprehensive student development to help students manage various challenges in their lives, be it academic pressure, social dynamics, and personal issues. The speaker will share his insights on how educators may work with other professional to adopt a transdisciplinary and trans-sectoral approach in creating a learning environment that supports the holistic development of students, which not only prepares students for academic success but also equips them with the tools to live balanced and fulfilling lives.
Chief Executive Officer of Haven of Hope Christian Service
Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Mental Health
Dr Lam is a specialist in paediatric and community medicine and is currently Chief Executive Officer of Haven of Hope Christian Service.
With his extensive knowledge of local public health policies and services, Dr Lam has sat on multiple statutory and advisory bodies. He is a non-official member of the Executive Council of the HKSAR Government. Prior to his current position as the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Mental Health, he served the Elderly Commission for almost 20 years, and he was once the Chairman of the Commission. He now also serves the Council for Carbon Neutrality & Sustainable Development, the Steering Committee on Review of Manpower for Healthcare Services in Residential Care Homes, the Healthcare & Wellness Training Board of the Vocational Training Council, the Industry Training Advisory Committee of Elderly Care Service and the Independent Commission Against Corruption Complaints Committee.
He is also a member of the Green Technology & Finance Development Committee, Advisory Panel on Silver Economy as well as Primary Healthcare Committee to provide advice to the government on various policies.
Dr Lam was honoured by the HKSAR Government with the Justice of Peace in 2003 and Silver Bauhinia Star in 2019. In 2018, apart from receiving Honorary Fellowship from Lingnan University, he also received the Ageing Asia Global Ageing Influencer Award (Special Recognitions) in recognition of his devotion to public services and his influence on policy-making for the global ageing trend.
林醫生於2003及2019年分別榮獲香港特別行政區政府頒授「太平紳士」及「銀紫荊星章」勳銜。在2018年,林醫生除了獲嶺南大學頒授榮譽院士銜,也獲Ageing Asia頒發全球最具影響養老業者大獎(特殊表彰獎),以表彰他對香港社會所作的傑出貢獻以及在全球人口老化政策上的影響力。
Year 2 student of Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Administration (Global Entertainment), HKBU
Associate Professor, School of Communication
Student representatives will present their work showcasing their stories and achievements.
Career teachers are invited to the forum where representatives from the Faculties and Schools will share the latest developments in the programmes and exchange views with them.
Tel: 3411-2200